Friday, October 17, 2008

Episode Six - Origins

My name is Yu Weili and I am currently a 4th year student in NUS majoring in computer engineering on a direct honors course. Engineering is a field that trains its followers to possess an analytical and disciplined mind. I also see myself as a fun-loving person who likes to travel and make new friends.   My personal philosophy is that life is filled with challenges and I must be prepared to rise to the occasion. To do that I am determined to undergo a never-ending journey of learning and self-improvement. The motto “Who dares, Wins" best describes my attitude to life.


Sharon said...

Erm.. may I add that Science trains my mind similarly? On the other hand, Science encourages curiosity and exploration too.

The "never-ending" learning and self-improvement is a necessity these days, not an optional feature.

Bold motto; so what jobs are you thinking of trying out?

Weili said...

@sharon: ah but I never say that only Engineering does that :P

So you think I shouldn't use the "learning and self-improvement" line? What if everyone has it and not me? Wouldn't it be rather odd?

Thanks :D ; do we have to add this detail?

Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks, Weili. This is clear and concise...and right at 101 words!

Excellent effort!